Anbaric transmission project at end of interconnection process with PJM, NYISO RSS Feed

Anbaric transmission project at end of interconnection process with PJM, NYISO

The proposed 500 MW high-voltage direct current (HVDC) Poseidon Project is at the end of the interconnection process with PJM Interconnection and the New York ISO (NYISO), Edward Krapels, CEO and founder of Anbaric Transmission, told TransmissionHub on March 4.

In New York, that means that the project is in the class year of 2015. The project’s in-service date is scheduled for 2020.

Anbaric unit Poseidon Transmission 1 on March 2 said that the Poseidon Project has achieved two significant technical milestones as part of its interconnection process, including approval by the NYISO Operating Committee of the project’s system reliability impact study (SRIS).

Read full article at Penn Energy