Innotap Gears Up for its First Hosted Beta Program RSS Feed

DRESHER, PA – May 14, 2009 – After its successful participation in the 2009 PJM Annual Meeting, Innotap now gears up for its first Hosted Beta Program. Several existing customers have requested participation in this program, offering to work with pre-Production versions of our software.

Ron Swartz, President of Innotap, says, “It’s exciting to be able to offer our customers the opportunity to get early access to our new products. In the process, they will help us identify any issues that need to be addressed before we release to production; and also have a chance to help us refine and polish the feature set.”

“Currently, we anticipate beginning the Beta testing on June 1, 2009 and continuing for 2-3 weeks, depending on the results. At that point, we expect to transition the beta software and release to production.” Swartz adds, “just in time for the first big summer heat wave.”

Moon Chung, VP of Innotap, remarks, “The feedback on product functionality and confirmation of the software architecture in different tradefloor environments is extremely valuable to us. That’s why we offer considerable pricing discounts to Beta participants.”

There are three products involved in this current Hosted Beta Program: DecisionDock™ Beta 1.0, InstaTrend® Beta 2.0 (PJM, MISO), and RealDeal™ Dashboard Beta 1.0 (Power PJM Realtime).

While all committed Beta participants are existing customers thus far, Innotap has reserved a few slots for prospective customers. If interested, please contact Ron Swartz at 215.237.1937 or [email protected] to register for this program.