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#Edison must inspect even more of its #Long_Beach power grid

….Most of the city and the remainder of Edison’s 50,000-square-mile service area has what the company calls a radial design, where outages can be isolated along system branches. The August power outages occurred in this part of the system. Downtown Long Beach’s power system downtown is what Edison calls a networked system, with every circuit … Continue reading #Edison must inspect even more of its #Long_Beach power grid

Smart meters can jeopardize grid reliability

Electricity consumers who respond to fluctuating price signals by means of smart meters can in turn cause mass blackouts. The researchers at the University of Bremen warn of the possibility of a “collective avalanche mechanism”. Read the full article at pv magazine.

CEOs grapple with an elephant in the room — the future of #electricity

CEOs grapple with an elephant in the room — the future of electricity When Tesla CEO Elon Musk entered a New Orleans ballroom full of utility CEOs earlier this month, he did so as an odd evangelist for expanding the power grid. The Silicon Valley electric car entrepreneur sought to reassure America’s powerful investor-owned utilities … Continue reading CEOs grapple with an elephant in the room — the future of #electricity