R-Project requested by Southwest Power Pool RSS Feed

R-Project requested by Southwest Power Pool

I have heard from several people in the sandhills region who are concerned about the R-Project. Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) needs to construct a 345,000-volt transmission line from NPPD’s Gerald Gentleman Station near Sutherland to a new substation to be sited adjacent to NPPD’s existing substation east of Thedford.

The new line will then proceed east and connect to a second substation to be sited in Holt County. This project is referred to as the R-Project, it is a line that is approximately 225-miles long and will help enhance operation of the power grid and relieve congestion from existing lines within the transmission system.

In the planning process, NPPD used a comprehensive public involvement process during the siting of this transmission line. Since November 2014, there have been three rounds of public open house meetings, eight public hearings, as well as additional meetings for interested parties. NPPD also met with area landowners; local, county, and state government officials; representatives of the appropriate regulatory agencies within the respective project area and communities.

This project was requested by the Southwest Power Pool or SPP is being funded by all members of the SPP, of which NPPD is a member. The SPP was created in 1941 when 11 regional power companies pooled their resources.

Today, the SPP oversees the bulk electric grid and wholesale power market in 14 states, located in the central part of the United States, from Texas to North Dakota. The SPP covers 546,000 square miles, including more than 60,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines, providing electricity to over 18 million people. As a member of the SPP, we are required to have a certain amount of transmission.

Read full article at McCook Gazette