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Storage developer Sunverge pairs up with PetersenDean for energy storage offering

More solar installers are partnering up with energy storage providers to introduce management tools to consumers. Sunrun’s Brightbox with Tesla and LG batteries is a prime example. And SolarCity, before its takeover by Tesla, also offered the company’s products.

As interest in rooftop solar grows and utilities move to time-varying rates, more companies are offering battery and energy management resources as a way to help consumers further reduce bills and provide a source of backup power.

“By combining solar and advanced battery technology with smart software, homeowners can optimize their energy use by balancing consumption of stored and renewable energy while also reducing energy demand,” said Jim Petersen, CEO of PetersenDean Roofing & SolarPetersen in a statement. “Batteries make it possible for homeowners to use stored solar energy during peak times when utility rates are at their highest, which keeps bills lower.”Read full article at Utility Dive