Governor Of New York: 50% Renewable Electricity By 2030 RSS Feed

Governor Of New York: 50% Renewable Electricity By 2030

The governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, recently directed the state’s Public Service Commission to draft a new Clean Energy Standard, one that will see the state receive at least 50% of is electricity in 2030 from renewable energy sources.

The Public Service Commission (PSC) was directed via letter by Cuomo to immediately begin drawing up the new standard — one which is expected to be cost effective and “efficient.”

The decision should come as no real surprise to anyone, as a similar plan (in the State Energy Plan) was implied by the state’s “50 by 30 goal” — which also calls for a 40% reduction in emissions by 2030.

That said, Governor Cuomo was pretty stark in his accompanying comments: “This plan is both rational and among the most aggressive in the nation.”

The public presentation of the new standard is currently expected to take place sometime in June 2016, reportedly. Beyond the generalized comments made above, though, it’s not clear what exactly will be presented — no real specifics have been revealed.

Governor Cuomo did comment that though that the plans wouldn’t (“should not”) the early closure of upstate nuclear power plants, as this would require an increased reliance on coal- or gas-fired power plants. Interestingly, though, the nuclear support will not be included in the 50% renewable energy mandate.

Read full article at Clean Technica