Northwest Power draft plan sees little new generation coming for #BPA RSS Feed

Northwest Power draft plan sees little new generation coming for BPA

Montanans have a chance to weigh in on a plan that tells one of the biggest power suppliers in the nation how to manage its business.

The Northwest Power and Conservation Council meets in Kalispell on Monday and in Missoula on Tuesday for public comment on its latest Northwest Power Plan.

The document guides the Bonneville Power Administration and its customers, which include many of the customer-owned rural electric cooperatives in western Montana. While it covers 20 years of activity, the plan is revised every five years.

“We anticipate demand increasing about 5,000 average megawatts – roughly five cities of Seattle worth of power – in the region over the next 20 years,” said NPCC spokesman John Harrison. “We can meet 4,500 megawatts, about 80 percent of that, with new investments in energy conservation and demand response management. That’s the primary resource we turn to.”

Energy conservation involves upgrading existing plants to get more electricity from the same amount of fuel or water consumed.

Demand-response management means discounting power at off-peak times when it’s available and charging more for peak periods (early mornings, cold snaps and heat waves) when demand spikes.

The remainder would have to come from new generation. Harrison said the plan anticipates getting almost all of its new generation from natural gas-fired plants, with some additional solar and wind sources possible. Nuclear energy is not a strong option in the plan.

“We think we can’t adequately provide power over the next 20 years without using the most efficient of those resources, which is natural gas,” Harrison said. “But some of our critics don’t like that we see need for continued use of natural gas-fired power plants. We see natural gas plants as the efficient and low-carbon source that we need.”

David Merrill of the Sierra Club’s Missoula office said many in his membership were concerned about that aspect of the power plan.

Read full article at Missoulian