#NRG Gripes That Few #ISOs/RTOs Are Complying with FERC #Order_809 RSS Feed

NRG Gripes That Few ISOs/RTOs Are Complying with FERC Order 809

NRG Energy filed a protest with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on August 18 – arguing that all independent system operators/regional transmission organizations (ISOs/RTOs) that have not changed their Day-Ahead Schedules in compliance with the commission’s Order 809 should be required to do so. Otherwise, the company said, generators will not have sufficient time to buy natural gas for the pipelines’ Timely Nomination Cycle deadline.

To date, only the East Coast operators – New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), Independent System Operator– New England (ISO-NE), and PJM Interconnection (PJM) – have complied with the order to extend the deadline for the day-ahead Timely Nomination Cycle from 11:30 am Central Clock Time (CCT) to 1:00 pm CCT.

The others – California Independent System Operator (CAL-ISO), Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), and Southwest Power Pool (SPP) – all reasoned that they already were close enough to the new closing time to make any changes unnecessary.

Specifically, NRG stated, “MISO argues that its market participants have demonstrated their ability to mitigate risk associated with gas acquisition and scheduling. [CAL-ISO] explains that current practices in the West support reliable access to natural gas supply and transportation. SPP explains that ‘revisions are not necessary because SPP does not currently face many of the same issues’ that exist in some of the other regions regarding natural gas-fired generators’ ability to procure sufficient quantities and capacity for transport of natural gas.

Read full article at Energy Manager Today