ISO-NE, #NEPOOL Oppose Demand Curve Change RSS Feed

ISO-NE, NEPOOL Oppose Demand Curve Change

The New England Power Pool Participants Committee urged federal regulators last week not to short circuit its stakeholder process in ordering a sloped demand curve for the next Forward Capacity Auction.

NEPOOL joined ISO-NE in asking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reject a request by generators to force the RTO to adhere to a plan to change to the sloped demand curve for FCA 10 in February (ER14-1639).

The New England Power Generators Association made the request June 22 after ISO-NE backed off from its commitment to introduce a new curve for FCA 10, saying that making a change now would create reliability concerns. The generators asked FERC to reiterate a previous order that directed the RTO to continue efforts to eliminate administrative pricing in zones that are short of generation resources or suffer from transmission constraints. (See NEPGA: Order Sloped Demand Curve in FCA 10.)

ISO-NE withdrew its support for the change just before NEPOOL was schedule to vote on it. At NEPOOL’s June Planning Committee meeting, only 42% of stakeholders backed the sloped curve.

Read full article at RTO Insider