5 tips on facing failure from Leslie Dewan, inventor of a nuclear power generator RSS Feed

5 tips on facing failure from Leslie Dewan, inventor of a nuclear power generator

When Leslie Dewan launched Transatomic Power from Cambridge Massachusetts, her startup that would manufacture a new type of nuclear power generator that operates on nuclear waste, it was the culmination of an idea that originally came to her three years prior while a student at MIT.

Speaking to Wamda Dewan said that the two nuclear disasters of the 1970s and 1980s – Chernobyl and Three Mile Island – put an end to the careers of many engineers, and prevented new ones from joining the field. “Years after these two incidents, the world still hasn’t witnessed the emergence of many nuclear engineers, and those who had majored in the field worked hard to avoid failure as much as possible, which reflected on the industry and prevented any significant progress.”

Read full article at WAMDA.com