Power Companies In 19 States Are Ending Pay-As-You-Go Electricity RSS Feed

Power Companies In 19 States Are Ending Pay-As-You-Go Electricity

The new billing plans charge flat rates for electricity in a tier system based on typical usage, giving customers less financial incentive to conserve. Solar panel owners are crying foul over the new schemes.

Solar panels are sprouting on rooftops across the country, thanks to plummeting costs. And in response to this solar revolution, many power companies are seeking dramatic changes in how they charge for electricity.

Nearly 600,000 United States homes and businesses generate their own solar power. In 42 states, if these solar users generate more electricity than they use, power companies are required to buy the excess. Some utilities have responded by imposing surcharges — $50 a month for Arizona residents, for example — causing an uproar in several states.

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