Look Out for “Market Ingenuity” from Stressed LNG Project Developers RSS Feed

Look Out for “Market Ingenuity” from Stressed LNG Project Developers

With the hundreds of billions of dollars at stake around the world in LNG infrastructure projects, nuclear professionals need to pay close attention to the fact that “market ingenuity” for LNG producers can include efforts to force nuclear plants to shut down. The shutdowns might be temporary and extended by creative (or destructive) abuse of the regulatory environment or they may turn into permanent shutdowns under extreme pressure from front groups masquerading as environmentalists.

Market ingenuity for LNG producers can include efforts to force nuclear plants to shut down.
Actually, that is not completely fair. There are many sincere environmentalists who have drunk deeply from the antinuclear Kool-Aide they have been fed for the past four decades. While still under the influence of that propaganda effort, they truly believe they are working to make the planet a cleaner and safer place. They’re misguided, but need gentle, persistent reeducation vice condemnation.
Read full article at The Energy Collective