Regulatory RSS Feed

Should the regulatory two-step give way to a new, performance-based dance?

Should the regulatory two-step give way to a new, performance-based dance? Critics say traditional cost-of-service ratemaking is behind the times, but newer models require a complex production from a variety of industry players. Is the process used to set the prices customers pay for electricity biased against new energy technologies? Regulated utilities traditionally go through … Continue reading Should the regulatory two-step give way to a new, performance-based dance?

How #EU ’s #Dodd-Frank Will Reshape $940 Billion #Energy Market

How EU’s Dodd-Frank Will Reshape $940 Billion Energy Market ……Why does the EU want to include energy trading? The tougher rules are needed to prevent financial-market abuse, says the European Securities and Markets Authority, which is leading the redesign. To ensure this covers the widest possible range of financial instruments, the areas and markets covered … Continue reading How #EU ’s #Dodd-Frank Will Reshape $940 Billion #Energy Market

PUCO Chair Andre Porter sees big changes coming for power companies

PUCO Chair Andre Porter sees big changes coming for power companies COLUMBUS, Ohio –If there is any one person in Ohio who can influence what you’ll pay for electricity in the coming years, it is Ohio’s new utility boss Andre Porter. Hand-picked by Gov. John Kasich to chair the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, the … Continue reading PUCO Chair Andre Porter sees big changes coming for power companies