What Upcoming PJM Capacity Auctions May Mean for Nukes, Renewables and Demand Response “These rules could be early signals of a new market design paradigm.” Capacity prices in the PJM interconnection have seen a steep decline in the last two auctions. But Wood Mackenzie’s Power and Renewables team expects the upcoming 2021/2022 capacity auction will … Continue reading What Upcoming PJM Capacity Auctions May Mean for #Nukes, Renewables and Demand Response→
Whitehouse preps bill directing study, pilot program for natural gas demand response In the electric sector, demand response programs help reduce peak load and prices. New legislation would direct federal regulators to study its potential for gas markets. U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) plans to introduce legislation on Wednesday that calls on the U.S. Department … Continue reading #Whitehouse preps bill directing study, pilot program for natural gas demand response→
FERC: Demand response fell 10% in power markets in 2016 Utilities are increasingly turning to demand response as a tool to balance the grid, but the resource played less of a role in wholesale markets in 2016. While much of that has to do with PJM’s new capacity performance rules, there were declines in other … Continue reading FERC: Demand response fell 10% in power markets in 2016→
National Grid, AutoGrid bring demand response to the natural gas industry AutoGrid is no stranger to demand response, which has become an essential tool for managing the nation’s power grid. But according to Greentech Media, this is the first time it has applied those concepts to natural gas demand. Recently, the National Association of Regulatory … Continue reading #National_Grid, #AutoGrid bring demand response to the natural gas industry→
How California demand response has opened up to energy storage, virtual power plants Over the course of the past two years, staff at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in the U.S. have introduced novel customer engagement opportunities to participate in wholesale energy markets via the Demand Response Auction Mechanism (DRAM) program. California is transitioning … Continue reading How California demand response has opened up to energy storage, virtual power plants→
Demand response’s demise in PJM has been greatly exaggerated, report argues Despite new capacity performance rules, CPower argues ‘real demand response’ remains strong and new opportunities may emerge in energy markets. nergy news for the past few weeks has understandably been dominated by the U.S. Department of Energy’s proposed changes to wholesale power markets. But … Continue reading Demand response ‘s demise in PJM has been greatly exaggerated, report argues→
What California’s heat wave revealed about demand response Demand response delivered for the state but did compensation compensate? In California’s recent record-breaking heat, a major provider of demand response to the state’s wholesale market learned why the system operator is about to change the compensation rules. The tricky thing about demand response (DR) compensation is … Continue reading What California’s heat wave revealed about demand response→
PJM considers tweaks to boost demand response in wholesale power markets Demand response has evolved rapidly in the PJM Interconnection marketplace. About a decade ago, PJM overhauled its market rules and implemented the Reliability Pricing Model structure for its capacity market. The operator also opened the market to curtailment service providers, where previously only utilities … Continue reading PJM considers tweaks to boost demand response in wholesale power markets→
PJM task force will examine value of summer-only DR outside capacity market New rules developed in the wake of the extreme winter Polar Vortex event three years ago have had an impact on demand response in the PJM footprint. Now, the grid operator is considering how better to include the highly-seasonal resource. In a blog … Continue reading PJM task force will examine value of summer-only DR outside capacity market→
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