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How #Texas Bitcoin miners kept raking in profits during crypto’s crash: The grid is paying them to shut down

How Texas Bitcoin miners kept raking in profits during crypto’s crash: The grid is paying them to shut down Over the past few years, Bitcoin miners have flocked to Texas, enticed by cheap and readily available power. (You can read about how the state is becoming the Bitcoin mining capital here.) But this summer there’s … Continue reading How #Texas Bitcoin miners kept raking in profits during crypto’s crash: The grid is paying them to shut down

Bitcoin miners say they’re helping to fix the broken Texas electric grid

Bitcoin miners say they’re helping to fix the broken Texas electric grid AUSTIN, TEXAS – The Texas power grid is struggling with fluctuating energy prices and sporadic service, but the state’s growing bitcoin mining community believes it can help fix it. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz agrees. “A lot of the discussion around bitcoin views bitcoin … Continue reading Bitcoin miners say they’re helping to fix the broken Texas electric grid