ERCOT Market

Staying Ahead of ERCOT Capacity Market Changes with Innotap


Managing the flow of electric power to 24 million Texas customers and representing nearly 90 percent of the state’s electric generation, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) will see many changes in its energy market. As the region’s independent system operator and a membership-based 501(c) (4) nonprofit corporation, the ERCOT capacity market is quickly evolving in light of the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed Clean Power Plant rules and its effect on the time-table for replacement of coal fired power plants.

Cleantech will have an increased effect on the state’s changing electric grid through energy generation and capacity as well as demand and consumption. The growth of solar, innovative energy storage options, ancillary services, and the massive growth of wind energy into the mix will affect market opportunities on a minute-by-minute and daily basis.

As these and other factors, such as weather, interplay in highly subtle ways that can have a big impact on the market, energy traders need to have tools at their disposal that can provide up-to-the-minute and historical data necessary to make sound decisions moving forward. The ERCOT market has vast potential as well as a host of obvious and not-so-obvious risks that traders must be able to circumnavigate to win the day financially. Innotap solutions are the timely and technologically sophisticated predictive choice for accomplishing that goal.