5 ways the internet of things will change your everyday life RSS Feed

5 ways the internet of things will change your everyday life

Internet of things: Home
The most obvious aspect of IoT is smart homes. From the moment we wake up, devices-permitting, our homes will be reacting to our very existence.

Alarm clocks will be synced up to weather and traffic apps, reflecting what time we need to get up and into work. Heating systems will time it so that we have hot water in time for our shower, while lights will be synced up to turn on only in the rooms we frequent at ungodly early-morning hours.

Coffee machines will chug into gear just in time to hand us a fresh cup as we walk out the door, as the lights, once more, operate throughout the day to make it seem like somebody is home.

Smart doorbells – think Ring – will alert us when there is someone at the door, meaning we can accept deliveries even when abroad, or appear to be home even when in work.

Pets won’t go unaffected, either, with a smart doggy door opening and closing as our pooch goes in and out of the back garden, while the humble smart watch connects to a home system so we can communicate with our lonely dogs, or a programmed laser toy can keep cats entertained.

Internet of things: Waste
Partly dealt with above, syncing your heating, lighting and air conditioning into a smart grid will drastically cut down on waste.

Lighting systems that reflect your location mean no more well-lit, unattended rooms. Dim settings can make considerable savings, too.

Heating that reacts to you, rather than reacts to your ill-advised inputs, can only help, with air con falling down the exact same lines.

Interestingly, food waste is something that will be tackled too. Bins can sync with refrigerators, monitoring exactly what it is you don’t get through in time. Basically, bye bye bags of lettuce.

Read full article at Silicon Republic